Meet REBECCA RATCLIFF: Yoga Teacher at This Is Yoga

What was your inspiration for becoming a yoga teacher?

I was teaching dance when I really got hooked on hot yoga, I loved the way it made me feel and how much focus it required. For that one hour I was fully present, and it felt magic! I initially did my training to deepen my own practice and indulge in my own curiosity, but as soon as the training was over I got my first teaching gig and 6 years later here we are. 

Your favourite yoga pose if you have one?

I love me some pincha Mayurasana, lately attempting a hollow back in pincha has been my fun goal. I also live for SAVASANA!! 

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Sharing yoga with others is such a dream. Seeing people come to yoga and leave feeling more relaxed and at ease with themselves. Creating a warm little cocoon for people to be present, play, breath slower, be kind to themselves and give themselves a break! I also really enjoy making a killer playlist for class! 




Bec spent her formative years bouncing from classroom to stage, developing her fascination with all things dancing, acting and self-expression. She tentatively stepped into her first yoga class as a young adult craving a little more direction and less distraction in her life. 

As a student of yoga, Bec is continually expanding and developing her practice. Following her curiosity into a variety of trainings particularly the study of the subtle body through Yin Yoga and Zen Thai Shiatsu bodywork. Whether in a yoga / dance class or body work session Bec’s sincere intention is to bring freedom back into the body. To encourage her students to be seekers of joy, curiosity, creativity and to bring a deeper sense of loving awareness to whatever they do.