Meet Danielle Coulibaly: Senior Yoga Teacher at This Is Yoga

What was your inspiration for becoming a yoga teacher?
Yoga was the only thing in my life that made me feel fully connected to who I was, it made me feel empowered and free. After 3 years of regular practice, I was in a job that made me miserable and my husband asked me, ‘forget about money, what makes you happy’, the first and only thing that came to my mind was ‘yoga’. So I became a teacher!
Your favourite yoga pose if you have one?
I have a favourite pose in every asana family, but if I had to choose (can I pick 2?? lol) ….. Handstand or Pincha Mayurasana & Parsva Vasisthasana (aka Wild Thing). You’ll see these ALL the time in my classes!
What do you enjoy most about teaching?
Creating unique and creative sequences and then seeing them come to life with a room full of synchronised yogis, high energy, flowing and breathing together. This is the ultimate feeling!
About Danielle:
As a student of yoga, Danielle is always learning, growing and expanding her boundaries. Through yoga, she believes in the constant evolution of self-discovery that sheds a light on making conscious choices for a brighter future. Danielle is a passionate vinyasa yoga teacher and loves dynamic and playful movement. Her classes are designed to increase strength & flexibility of body AND mind. She loves to create strong, unique & progressive sequences, guiding you on a journey through breath. Inspired by her muse, love and fellow yogi David Coulibaly, they share their love of yoga around the world. Danielle’s teaching journey has evolved from the many years of study with international teachers such as: Shiva Rae, Simon Park, Maty Ezraty, Noelle Connelly and Joan Hyman.