In the realm of spiritual exploration, trust emerges as a profound attitude, transcending ordinary connotations. It is a journey into the self, delving into the depths of trust as a spiritual attitude, a deep surrender to the present moment, an acknowledgment of vulnerability, and a doorway to our higher self. Trust challenges limitations, serving as both the means and the end in embracing the spontaneity of the moment. It is an invitation to move beyond fixation on results, acknowledging its essence lies in uncertainty and the ability to transcend the need for assurance. Keep reading to learn more!
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Meet our Teacher - Morgane Stroobant
Morgane is TIY’s very own Bhakti Yogi. She is all love and compassion and has a deep respect for the ancient yoga teachings. Her dedication to her practice is both inspiring and , she tries hard to walk the talk and we couldn’t love her more for this. We sat down to interview Morgane and learn a little bit more about her and what it means to live like a Bhakti.
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Meet our Crew - Malinda Hayward
Malinda is a dedicated student of Yoga with a passion for inspiring others to realise their true potential. After years of battling chronic illnesses such as Epilepsy, Depression, Anxiety & Ulcerative Colitis, she stepped into a Yoga studio & found a new way of life. Read more on how she found her way into the TIY Family 💛
Read MoreMeet our Teacher - Oceane
If you have been lucky enough to make one of Oceane’s classes, you will know what a calming, grounding presence she has. She expresses her love for the yoga practice through her teaching and we are so lucky to have her on our team! We sat down to interview Oceane and learn a little bit more about her - read below!
What led you to start practicing yoga? What makes you passionate about the practice?
I got dragged into my first vinyasa yoga class by an ex-boyfriend, while feeling very depressed. I really did not want to go! I hated every single moment of it but for some reason I went back, again and again until it became my routine and one of the most important things in my life.
I'm very passionate about the energetic aspect of the practice. The ability to shift and change how I feel through pranayama, or even simply being still and feeling it all.
Do you do any other activities or exercises to compliment your yoga practice?
I don't see my yoga practice as a workout for my body but rather for my mind so I absolutely train on the side. I love pilates reformers ( did you know I teach it too?) surfing, hiking or a simple walk by the beach. There are so many ways to work out but my goal is to make sure I am having fun.
How long have you been meditating and do you have a preferred style?
I have always done some kind of mindfulness practice but I'll say it's only been over the last 3 years that I got really committed.
I tend to do the same meditation practice everyday as a sadhana (40 days straight) according to what I need. Currently I am practicing a kriya meditation (or visualisation) for self love that I got given by a teacher.
How has the practice helped shape you into the person you are today?
It sounds very cliché but yoga has 100% changed the course of my life and shaped me mentally in the best possible way. Since practicing pranayama and meditation regularly I feel more anchored in my life, less affected by the constant changes and simply more present. But perhaps what I got most out of all my years of practice is the deep faith and trust I have in life. No matter what happens, I deeply know that I am always going to be ok.
What inspires you in life?
I am fascinated by the human body and mind. Our uniqueness and our interconnectedness. There is so much to learn from the tradition of yoga or even the ancient wisdom of the Chinese medicine system. I am an eternal student at heart and love learning new things, creating, sharing and gathering with the yoga community whether through classes, workshops or retreats. That's what yoga is for right?
Want to join one of Oceane’s classes?
Check out our online timetable below! Or read more about Oceane in her TIY profile here.
Author: This is Yoga
Meet our Teacher - Alec Snow
Meet Alec! Alec is one of our very talented TIY gems. He brings his playful, yet calming, energy and passion to each class that he runs. Get to know a little bit more about Alec in our interview below!
What led you to start practicing yoga? What makes you passionate about the practice?
Yoga was actually introduced to me in Acting school. It was given to us as a way of developing a greater awareness of our body. I remember my acting teacher telling me that my relationship with my body was non-existent. As I embodied my practice, what I soon realised was that yoga was much, much more than just trying to touch your toes. It was the doorway to an ocean of ancient knowledge and an invitation into a deeper understanding of who I am.
Do you do any other activities or exercises to compliment your yoga practice?
I love to play guitar and sing. I always find after practicing yoga I sing the best because I’m so relaxed.
How long have you been meditating and do you have a preferred style?
I remember my first meditation was when I was about 6 and it involved holding a yin and yang ball in my hands listening to ‘We’re in Heaven’ by Do. Now things are quite different. I practice a curated blend of meditation that I have come into contact with over the years. Everything from Tantric, Dzogchen, Vipassana, Metta and Stoicism.
How has the practice helped shape you into the person you are today?
Yoga is the discipline in my life that holds me accountable. It gives me both ritual and release. But I think most importantly, it illuminates the invisible, that is essential. It helps me unclench the fist in my mind and let go.
What inspires you in life?
Any chance I get to be creative.
Author: This is Yoga
Want to check out one of Alec’s online classes? Follow the link below!

Meet our Teacher - Jourdi Bleu
Teachers can play such a fundamental role in our yoga journey and as part of our community. We can feel a connection to them, a warmth, despite often knowing very little about their background or story! So, we interviewed one of our very own This is Yoga teachers, Jourdi Bleu, to give you an insight into her beautiful journey.
What led you to start practicing yoga? What makes you passionate about the practice?
My mom introduced me to yoga when I was 16 years old. I was going through some hard times, and she thought it would help ground me. I have to admit, I didn’t fall in love with it right away, but I knew that I always felt better after I practiced.
With a gymnastics background growing up, my body was naturally good at the poses, so I kept coming back to it purely for physical activity. It wasn’t until I was 21 (8 years ago) that I really fell in love with the practice. I remember the exact class that made me have that “AHA” moment - I walked out on a bliss cloud and it finally clicked for me that there was something else happening on the mat, on a much deeper level than just the physical practice. For the next couple years my true love for yoga developed and then I finally did my teacher training in 2016 at BodyMindLife. It was then when I learned about why this practice made me feel the way it did, and how it was shifting many aspects of my life. I wasn’t quite ready to start teaching right away, so the next few years I dove deeper into my own practice with my newfound knowledge, and a transformation began.
When I travelled to India in 2019 and practiced more traditionally in many different ashrams, I felt in my soul that I was ready to start sharing this sacred practice with others. So, when I got back to Sydney in 2020, I began my journey as a teacher. It has been the most amazing experience, one that lights my soul up. There’s nothing I love more than students coming up to me after a class telling me how great it made them feel, or that yoga has changed their life. There’s not a doubt in my mind that I was definitely put here in this lifetime to share my knowledge of this ancient practice. To me, it’s so much more than just a practice, it’s a whole way of life and thinking, and that’s what makes me so passionate about it. Yoga has definitely shaped me into who I am today, and I am so beyond grateful that it is a part of my life.
Do you do any other activities or exercises to compliment your yoga practice?
I compliment my practice with strength and gymnastics work at the gym, and cardio sessions like HIIT and spin classes. I feel like those drills make the bigger poses easier to access.
Can you tell us; a favourite pose, a pose that challenges you and a pose you are working towards?
My favourite poses are handstand and Warrior 2, and the one that challenges me the most is Uttkatasana (chair pose). I am working on tougher transitions like crow - headstand - crow and my press to handstand.
What can students expect from your classes?
If you come to my classes, I usually like to take it slow and strong, so you can really embody each pose and move with your breath. My sequences are always creative and fun (planning classes is one of my favourite things to do) and I promise you’ll have a laugh as I let my bubbly, light - hearted personality shine through. I’m so excited to dive deeper into the teaching realm, as it’s morphing my relationship to yoga to a level that I didn’t even think was possible.
Author: This is Yoga
To book a class with Jourdi, check out our timetables below!