How to Experience Joy: The Yoga Perspective

The yoga philosophy of joy and happiness

The difference between happiness and joy is that happiness depends on external circumstances. Joy is a deeper upwelling that comes from within ourselves and is not limited to what is happening around us.

How do we find joy? Yoga philosophy teaches us that the foundation of joy is contentment, Santosha. Santosha has the roots San– completely, entirely, and Tosha- contentment, satisfaction, acceptance. Contentment is when we’re joyful and satisfied regardless of our environment.

So how do you find this in your own life? For me, it begins with the breath. If you have ever had the experience of being with someone during their last breath, you instantly realize how powerfully important our breath is. All of the other details of life can overwhelm us and grow out of proportion. Our busy minds and reactive emotions don’t help. But when we come back to the simple reminder that our breath continues to flow, we can experience acceptance. We accept the moment for what it truly is.

There is so much beauty, so much love around us at all times. If we can slow down enough to take in the gift of the present moment, our perspective shifts. Contentment doesn’t mean we stop working to make this world a better place. It doesn’t mean we quit dreaming, growing, expanding, or changing. It means we become responsible for our lives. Even in the midst of heartbreak and anguish we can choose to participate in our own transformation and evolution. This is the secret of life – everything changes. This too shall pass.

There is a beautiful quote from the Buddha I love to ponder:

“Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all.”

Slow down

Slow down for a few minutes. Take 5 deep, full, beautiful breaths and let yourself open to the beauty of the moment. Listen to the sounds around you. Feel the air on your skin. Notice the beating of your own heart. Can you make peace with yourself? Can you imagine accepting what is unfolding in your life? Can you love yourself?

Sometimes the answer is no and that’s ok. But more often, the answer is yes. That is where I find the freedom to experience joy. Happiness is just a bonus!

Original blog: Metamorphose Yoga